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Life to the Full – Session about Death and Grief

As part of your child’s RE and RHE learning, we will be completing a lesson called ‘A Time for Everything’ this week which introduces children to the topics of death and grief in a sensitive, age-appropriate way from a Catholic faith perspective.

In the session, your child will learn:


  • What ‘death’ means
  • About some feelings often connected with grief
  • What the Christian faith says about death and eternal life
  • Some ways to support themselves and others when they are grieving.


The most important way you can support your child’s learning is to be willing to have open, honest conversations about death and perhaps share your own experiences of death and grief if you feel able to.


If you have any queries about the lesson, don’t hesitate to get in touch with myself.


Kind regards,


Mrs Green (Class 4 teacher)
