• Please check ParentPay for upcoming sports events!
  • IMPORTANT - Reception Pupils and Year 6 pupils - Don't forget the NCMP is now an OPT OUT system, your child will be included if you don't opt out
  • February half term dates - Monday 17th to Friday 21st 2025



At St Luke’s History is taught thematically through Cornerstones.

Learning in Humanities begins with deepening children’s understanding of themselves, the world around them, their communities and eventually the wider world. Their lives will be enriched if their curiosity is encouraged by talking, exploring and thinking. This area of learning engages children in investigating the world and their place in it.
History projects are designed to allow children to appreciate that the present world grew out of the past, to look for similarities and differences, to try to explain how and why change did and did not occur and how to develop a sense of chronology and time. It also helps them to understand their place in society. From Reception age children are encouraged to use historical evidence in the form of pictures, objects, written records and the memories of people still alive.

Trips and visitors are often used to enhance the learning of History, helping to bring alive the past for our children.

historyProgression of knowledge and skills in History:

Progression in History

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education:

History with SMSC