• Please check ParentPay for upcoming sports events!
  • IMPORTANT - Reception Pupils and Year 6 pupils - Don't forget the NCMP is now an OPT OUT system, your child will be included if you don't opt out
  • February half term dates - Monday 17th to Friday 21st 2025


At St Luke’s we believe that children should be taught to acknowledge and respect other cultures. We believe it is important that children are taught the language beyond their ‘holiday’ experiences. This is taught through memorable experiences, creative cross-curricular links to their learning of modern foreign languages. It is important to that the children have an understanding of different backgrounds and how to value these differences. Our children are taught to be resilient learners as this will enable them to deepen their learning and develop a passion for intercultural understanding.

At St Luke’s we learn to speak French in KS2 following a progressive and robust programme which uses a phonics-based approach and focuses mainly on Speaking and Listening. Once in UKS2 children will begin to develop their reading and writing of French in preparation of learning languages in secondary school.

In KS1, children learn key French phrases such as how to answer the register – Bonjour!

Year Group expectations:

Year 3    Year 4    Year 5    Year 6

Curriculum knowledge and skills progression map:

Progression of knowledge and skills MFL

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education: