• Please check ParentPay for upcoming sports events!
  • IMPORTANT - Reception Pupils and Year 6 pupils - Don't forget the NCMP is now an OPT OUT system, your child will be included if you don't opt out
  • February half term dates - Monday 17th to Friday 21st 2025

The Sacraments

Catholic children are eligible to prepare for receiving the First Sacraments from Year 3. This is commonly referred to as First Forgiveness and First Holy Communion.

The children follow a carefully prepared programme, currently led by the Parish Priest and Parish Catechist. School is the first point of contact for parents who wish their children to prepare to receive the sacraments. School works with the church to ensure that all of the children are able to attend the preparation lessons and to keep parents well informed.

Children preparing for the first sacraments and their parents are expected to regularly attend masses at the Our Lady of the Rosary & St Luke Church. During the time of preparation the children take an active part in mass as they develop a deeper understanding of their Catholic faith and what it means to be Catholic.

Once all children have received First Holy Communion school hosts a celebratory mass for the children and their families, so the school community can share the children’s spiritual development on this special occasion.