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  • February half term dates - Monday 17th to Friday 21st 2025

Road Trip USA

Read on to find out about our next topic for Spring 2 - Road Trip USA

Buckle up and put your sunglasses on – this half term we’re going on a road trip across the USA!

We’ll start by ‘visiting’ the states where Native American tribes settled. We’ll use travel brochures and the internet to research New York and write postcards to family members. Using maps, we’ll locate the USA and find the names of the states. We’ll look at the amazing lights of Times Square and create a program for a tourist trip around New York. We'll write diaries and explore Native American myths. After learning about their cultural significance, we’ll weave beautiful dreamcatchers. Looking at aerial views of natural landmarks, we’ll think about how they might have been formed. We’ll create travel brochures and make illuminated models of different landmarks.

To kickstart our topic we will be having a USA day on Monday 24th February. We will be having a geography focused day and also try a few American foods. To help get into the American theme, children can come to school dressed in red, white and/or blue (the colours of the USA flag) or in any American themed clothing.

Help your child prepare for their project
The USA is an incredible place, with a varied landscape and culture. Why not choose a state to research together and create a scrapbook of exciting locations? You could also make a playlist of American songs from different genres that you could listen to on your road trip. Alternatively, visit the supermarket together to see if you can identify any foods associated with the USA. You might even try some of them!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Green and Mr Cunnington.


Homework Project Ideas