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Transition, whether it is to a new class or a new school, can be a difficult time and we endeavour to make sure that we ensure that this process is as smooth as possible.

Welcoming a child to St. Luke's in Reception!

Once you have been allocated a school place at St. Luke's in January, we encourage parents with children who have an additional or SEN need, to contact the school SENCO.

As part of this initial discussion, we will be able to explore any additional support that may be required prior to starting school in September.

All pupils are offered ‘taster’ sessions during the summer term and for children with SEND, we can offer further times to support transition into a new school.

As part of transition process, the reception teacher and SENCO will make contact with any nursery/pre-school/childminder placements to gain further information in order ensure that all needs are met. On agreement with the nursery/pre-school/childminder placement, a visit by the reception teacher and SENCO may be carried out to meet the children and to talk about life at St. Luke's before they attend their taster days.

Transition to a new school

If your child is transferring to a new school, we will contact the school’s head teacher and/or SENCO to discuss your child’s needs and any support that is currently in place. If your child is part of the Early Help process, the new school will be invited to attend the meetings to ensure that any information is transferred during this time and you, as parents, can meet the new SENCO/Head teacher who will be responsible for your child’s needs. Any paperwork including IPMs, external agency reports will be transferred to the new school.

Transitioning from a new school

If your child is transferring to St. Luke's Catholic Primary from another school, we will contact the headteacher to discuss your child’s needs and to transfer any paperwork that may support your child’s SEND needs.

We work closely with parents to ensure that we understand your child and their SEN journey and to support the transition process.

Transition to a new class:

All teachers work closely together to prepare for transition from year to year.

Meetings are held to discuss pupils and information is passed on in advance of the new academic year beginning.

For pupils with SEND, Individual Provision Maps are shared with the new teachers so that new Individual Provision Maps can be written at the start of the new academic year. Some children with SEND may need transitional visits to their new classes and this is arranged during the summer term. Social stories may also be used to support transition for pupils with Autistic spectrum conditions (ASC) or particular anxiety.

All pupils visit their new class for 2 days during the summer term where they can meet their new teacher and begin their transition journey.

Supporting SEND pupils who are moving onto secondary education.

All year 6 pupils are supported through their transition from primary to their chosen secondary school.

During the summer term, the pupils meet their new ‘Year 7 head of year’ and are given the opportunity to ask questions or raise concerns about their next step to secondary school.

Following this visit, the children attend their secondary transition days. This normally comprises of two days at the end of the summer term.

In line with Telford and Wrekin’s Send transition in Education partnership (STEP), we adhere to and follow the Telford and Wrekin guidance to ensure that the transition process for pupils with SEND is thoughtful, carefully supported and as successful as possible.

For pupils with SEND, we can organise additional transition days to support the transition process. Additional meetings can also be organised with the new secondary placement where your child’s needs can be discussed directly with the new SENCO or pastoral team.

For children with SEND, we complete a Transition passport which is a school/child/parent activity to ensure that the new school have information about your child and you can put down your parental voice which will be shared with the new secondary provision.
