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SEND Policies and SEN Information Report

St. Luke’s SEND Policies and SEN Information Report

The SEND policy is reviewed annually by the SENCo and is shared with the school’s  governors. Below is the most recent SEND policy:

Our Blessed Saints SEND policy - St. Luke's - 2023-2024

Each year, we produce an SEN Information report which is in line with the requirements of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2015. Here we update and identify any key changes that have taken place over the previous 12 months.

Read our latest SEN Information report below:

SEND Information Report - St. Luke's 2023-2024

Intimate Care:

Staff at St. Luke’s Catholic Primary school are committed in ensuring that all needs of individual pupils are met. This may include being responsible for intimate care. We follow our intimate care policy and guidelines and work in conjunction with parents to ensure that welfare and dignity is of paramount importance.

Intimate Care Policy St. Luke’s

Alternative Provision:

St. Luke’s Catholic Primary School provides a curriculum which is inclusive and accessible, and gives opportunities for all pupils to succeed. There may be times where pupils are required to access an alternative provision to receive additional support in meeting their own identified special educational needs. We work in conjunction with the Telford and Wrekin SEND team and other alternative provision providers outlined in our policy to ensure that pupils receive the appropriate support.

Our Blessed Saints Alternative Provision Policy – St. Luke’s

Accessibility Policy:

St. Luke’s Catholic Primary School has adopted this accessibility plan in line with the school’s special educational needs policy with the aim of ensuring that our school is physically, socially, and academically inclusive, that all pupils have access to a full curriculum, and that all pupils are appropriately challenged. The policy sets out priorities for increasing and improving the accessibility for SEND pupils across all aspects of school life.

Please find below Telford & Wrekin’s Local Offer which aims to provide information on what services you can expect from local agencies including education, health and social care.

St. Luke’s Accessibility Policy 2021-2024