From September 2017 St. Luke’s Catholic Primary School became federated with SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School and as such Our Blessed Saints are the new Federated Governing Board for both schools.
The Federated Governing Body constitution consists of:
- 9 Foundation governors
- 1 Locally appointed
- 1 Staff governor
- 1 Head Teacher
- 1 Co-opted Governor
- 2 parent Governors
If you are interested in becoming a Foundation Governor please click on the link for further details: Foundation Governor information
Our Governors
Pauline Heffernan: Chair of Governors
I have been a governor, serving in primary education, for many years, both in Telford and in my native Wolverhampton. I became a Governor at Our Lady & St Chad, a secondary academy within the St Francis & St Clare Multi Academy Company in Wolverhampton, in November 2020. I believe in the excellent life experiences and learning opportunities afforded by catholic education. Having closed my consultancy business in 2020, I am now enjoying more time to explore my hobbies and areas of interest. I’m also enjoying seeing my grandson and extended family grow year on year. |
Louisa Craig: Foundation Governor |
Fr Lee Bennett - Foundation Governor |
Mr Graeme Smith – Vice Chair of Governors |
Married for 34 years with a grown up son I’ve lived in Shropshire for the past 20 years having worked at several locations around the UK in the electricity energy supply sector. Prior to retirement in 2021 my role involved working mainly in Dusseldorf, Germany, I also sat on several UK National Energy Safety Committees. I was appointed a Foundation Governor in 2016 and enjoy helping SS Peter & Paul and St Luke’s of Our Blessed Saints Federation to become the Catholic schools of choice for staff, parents and pupils in Newport and Telford. I enjoy walking, cycling, playing golf and travel. |
Mike Jenkins - Locally Appointed |
Robyn Burns – Foundation Governor |
Jacqueline Oakes – Co-Opted Governor (Staff) |
I am married with 3 teenage children and moved to Shropshire from Berkshire via North Wales 22 years ago. I have taught throughout Key Stage 1, only taking a break to raise a family. I have been linked to SS Peter and Paul School for 16 years as a parent, a volunteer, a Foundation Governor and now as Year 1 teacher and Co-opted Governor.
Louise Evans - Head Teacher
Emma Williams – Parent Governor
Gillian Livesey – Foundation Governor |
Carol Kavanagh – Foundation Governor |
I have been married since 1987 and have three adult children who were educated in local Catholic schools. We have lived in the Telford area for most of our married life and I worked for T&W Social Services until I retired in 2022. I hope that my experience of working in the public sector (with disabled children, children in need, foster carers and children in care) will be useful in working with the staff and governor team at St Luke’s and St Peter and St Paul’s. I enjoy walking, meeting with friends and looking after my young grandson. |
Louise Russell - Staff Governor |
Important Information
OBS Governor Register of Business Interests and Attendance - AY 2023-2024
CES Governor Code of Conduct - AY2023-2024
OBS Governor Register of Business Interests and Attendance - AY 2022-2023
Our Blessed Saints Governors Annual statement 2021