• St Luke's continues to be a GOOD school after a successful Ofsted inspection in December.
  • Please continue to check ParentPay for upcoming trips and events, thank you!
  • Don't forget - Class 3's Town Centre Trip is tomorrow!

Class 1 and Class 2 - Barmouth Beach Trip - Tuesday 25th June 24

To enrich our respective topics, Class 1 and Class 2 have the exciting opportunity to visit Barmouth Beach on Tuesday 25th June 2024!

Dear parents and carers,

Class 1 and Class 2 Barmouth Beach Trip – Tuesday 25th June 2024

To enrich our respective topics, Class 1 and Class 2 have the exciting opportunity to visit Barmouth Beach on Tuesday 25th June 2024!

We will be leaving school promptly at 9am and we are due to arrive back at St Luke's at approximately 4pm.  Once the children come back into school from the coach, your child can be collected as per their normal home time routine or attend club if they have booked a place.

Children do not need to wear their school uniform but will need to wear weather appropriate clothing, t-shirt, long sleeved top, joggers, trousers, shorts.  They will also need to have sensible shoes/wellies with a suitable outdoor coat, as the day's activities will take place outside.

Labelled sunscreen, a labelled refillable water bottle (no glass bottles please) a sunhat, sunglasses, towel and a carrier bag for wet items will be required.  Children should also bring a bucket and spade if possible.

The first application of sunscreen should be applied at home, BEFORE coming into school, please.

All children will receive a packed lunch from school unless you advise (via ParentPay) your child will bring a lunch from home.  Again, please do not bring glass bottles.

Staff will ensure all children who have prescribed medication in school, including inhalers will have them for the trip.  

The cost of this trip is just £10.90 per child! Please ensure you confirm your consents by completing the details requested on ParentPay as soon as possible but no later than Friday 21st June 2024. 

Please be advised that insufficient support may result in this event being cancelled.

We will be photographing pupils participating in activities throughout the day but if you do not wish your child to be included, please ensure you carefully check and annotate the consents accordingly on ParentPay. If you change your mind regarding photographs at any point, please contact St Luke’s prior to the event.

If you have any other queries or concerns, please contact the school office.

Yours sincerely,

Miss L Evans


C1 and C2 - Barmouth Beach Trip 25.06.2024