• Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Monday 6th January 2025 is a PD day) We look forward to seeing you when we return on Tuesday 7th January 2025!

First Sacraments 2025

First Forgiveness and First Holy Communion programme for 2025

Dear parents and carers,

First Sacraments (First Forgiveness and First Holy Communion) for children in Year 3 and above, will commence in the new year.

Enrolment forms are now available from the front porch of Our Lady of the Rosary and St Luke church and St Patrick's church in Wellington.

If you have any queries, questions or concerns, please contact Moira (Parish Secretary) who will be able to assist you.


Enrolment Masses will now take place on 11th and 12th January (was due to be 8/9th February). 

I will let any candidates know and have changed the dates on any enrolment forms that are left. Some were picked up this weekend so I will let those people know the change of date when the forms are returned.


Parish of Our Lady and St Patrick -Telford

Parish Office - ourladyandstpatrick2024@gmail.com- 01952 242423

Secretary usual office hours Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9-2, Friday 9-1

Wednesday 9-1 at Our Lady's.

Parish Priest - Fr Ravi Bosco frravi.bosco@gmail - 07447 632733