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Home School Reading Books

Dear Parents and Carers,

As a school we are committed to ensuring that all pupils get the best start to their educational journey.  We recognise that the ability to read fluently and confidently ensures that they can access all that the curriculum has to offer.

We teach phonics and early reading through Read, Write, Inc Phonics.  All pupils start learning phonics when they enter school in Reception and continue to do so until they have secured the necessary knowledge.  As part of our commitment, we have purchased brand new home school reading books, which match the children’s phonics knowledge and reading ability.

We hope that the children will continue to read with you and look after the books that they bring home.  Staff will record which book children have taken home, and they will collect them back on a given day.  Any books that are lost or damaged will be charged at £1 per book.  This charge will be added to ParentPay accounts.

I hope that you enjoy listening to your child or children reading at home and sharing with you all that they have learnt in school.

Kind regards,

Miss L Evans


Home school reading books