• Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Monday 6th January 2025 is a PD day) We look forward to seeing you when we return on Tuesday 7th January 2025!


Dear parents and carers,

I am writing to invite parents, guardians and carers of registered pupils to put their names forward for election to serve as parent governors of this school.  There is one vacancy. The term of office of the elected candidates will start in January 2025 and will last for four years.

Please read the notes on the back of the attached letter and if, after doing so, you would like to put your name forward as a candidate please complete the Candidate Nomination Form (Form 2) and the Disqualification Declaration Form (Form 3) and return them to me by 4pm on Thursday 5th December 2024.  It may be that you would wish to propose another parent to serve as a parent governor.  Please note that in this case the parent in question should complete the nomination form after you have discussed the possibility.

Candidates need to submit a personal statement in support of their nomination, not more than 500 words giving: 

  • Evidence of skills and experience the governing body desires.
  • And / or their commitment to undertake training to acquire or develop skills to be an effective governor
  • If seeking re-election details of their contribution to the work of the governing body during previous term of office.
  • How they plan to contribute to the future work of the governing body

Candidates may not indicate that they are endorsed or supported by any particular group. 

Only parents who now have and will have children registered at the school on Thursday 5th  December 2024 are eligible to stand for election.

If it is necessary for there to be an election I will provide further details of the arrangements.

Yours sincerely, 

Miss L Evans


Letter of interest in parent governor

Candidate Nomination Form 2

Disqualification Declaration Form 3