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We are now an academy school

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are now an academy school

I do hope this letter finds you well and you’ve enjoyed your half term break.

I am delighted to advise you that all required procedures have successfully been completed. We are therefore now a member of Our Lady Help of Christians’ family of schools.

As parents/carers, you will see very little change in your child’s learning experience on a day-to-day basis. However, we believe, becoming part of a growing Catholic academy chain, will lead to more opportunities for staff development plus greater networking opportunities to share best practice, across a wider regional area. Being an academy gives schools the power to decide on the best curriculum for their pupils, determine how they spend their budgets, and much more.

As ever, if you have any questions, or would like further information, please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Evans or indeed contact myself.

Best wishes

Pauline Heffernan

Chair of Our Blessed Saints Federation

St Luke's RC Primary & St Peter & St Paul's RC Primary Telford

PH Academy School letter