• Please check ParentPay for upcoming sports events!
  • February half term dates - Monday 17th to Friday 21st 2025

Charging and Remissions of Charges Policy

The Governors of St. Luke’s will charge parents for board and lodging on residential visits. There must be full remission of charges for such board and lodging for pupils whose parents receive Income Support, Income Based Job Seeker‟s Allowance, support under part lV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit where there is an annual income of less than £16,190. In exceptional circumstances the Governors may wish to remit all or part of such charges for other pupils.
For any other visit (i.e. non-residential) parents will be asked to make voluntary contributions. Details of each trip will be notified in advance. In each notification to parents it will be made clear that there is no obligation to contribute and that pupils will not be excluded if their parents do not. It will also be made clear that insufficient support will necessitate the cancellation of the proposed visit. At the discretion of the head teacher, where voluntary contributions are just short of the actual cost of the visit, the difference may be made up from the school fund. The Governors also ask that a small contribution be made towards the cost of any materials used in after school clubs.